Registration is now open!, News, Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Midget Classic, 2018-2019 (Parry Sound Hockey Club)

This Tournament is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jun 20, 2018 | chris | 856 views
Registration is now open!
Please visit the registration link on the left.

Dear Coach/ Manager:

On behalf of the Brokerlink Midget team, we would like to extend an invitation to participate in our Bobby Orr Hall Of Fame Classic Midget Tournament

This tournament is sanctioned by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). Managers will be required to show approved Hockey Canada (HC) documentation at the time of registration. They will also be required to produce team sanction or travel permits from their organization at the time of registration.

Teams will be accepted on a first come-first serve basis. The tournament committee reserves the right to determine an applicant’s eligibility based on the team center’s classification. As Entry Forms arrive they will be placed in order of their arrival. The entry fee (payable in full-no post dated cheques) must be included and will guarantee your place if accepted.

After acceptance into the tournament we will send confirmation.  We will provide you with the time of your first game no later than 14 days before the tournament, however if possible we will do so sooner and provide a complete schedule as soon as it is available.

The tournament will be arranged as follows;

1) The Tournament Committee will select a total of 20 teams (which includes Parry Sound). The said committee reserves the right to accept or reject any team.

2) The entry fee cheques should be made payable to the Parry Sound Hockey Club. There is NO gate fee so friends and family can enjoy the action at no expense.

3) All teams are guaranteed 3 games.

4) All Champions and Finalists will receive awards.

For your Convenience and Enjoyment during the tournament we will be holding a variety of events.

The objective of this tournament is to provide the most amount of fun possible for the children and enjoyment for the adults, as well as do a little fundraising. We will endeavour to do our best to provide you with a great season tune-up tournament and in return we respectfully request that all the adults attending assist us in achieving this goal. We have been very fortunate in the past with the terrific teams attending and hope to make this a high point of your coming season.

Please complete the Registration Form and entry fee to: 
Parry Sound Hockey Club 
Attn: BOHF Tournament (your division)
PO Box 13 Parry Sound ON 
P2A 2X2

Tournament Coordinator
Chris Mahon
[email protected]

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