The board recently held elections for the upcoming season. The board position of secretary remains unfilled at this time. The term is for two years.
Interested applicants can send an email to
[email protected].
See Read More for the Position description.
The Secretary shall:
i) record or delegate the recording of the minutes of General Meetings of the Membership, Board Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings and ensure that Association records are regularly and properly kept and all business is conducted in accordance with any applicable statute or law, the Letters Patent and By-laws and the Policies and procedures established by the Board or by the Membership;
ii) ensure the proper custody of the Association’s corporate seal, corporate minutes and resolutions and other corporate records and documents;
iii) be responsible for receiving and distributing all correspondence received or sent by the Association and all communications within the Association;
iv) recommend policy to the Board regarding internal and external communications of the Association;
v) chair the Registration Committee;
vi) maintain the membership list referred to in Section 6.2;
vii) carry out duties as assigned by the Board, the Executive Committee or the President.