Esso Most Sportsmanlike Player
This award is presented to a player who has demonstrated extraordinary team play and spirit, both in their approach to the game and their attitude towards their teammates. Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team
U9 Cedarland Homes - Chase David
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Lyle Quinton
U11 Ashley Homestore - Lola McNay
U13 Sifft Electric - Mason Marshall
U13 Gibson Home & Cottages - Sequoia Gagnon
U15 Western Financial - Noah Thompson
U15 Stacie & Troy's No Frills - Logan Heslop
U18 Parry Sound Auto Parts - Maggie Cox
U18 Dohertys Masonry - Carson Healey
U9 Optimist Shamrocks - Olivia Axt
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Levi Hewson
U11 Sifft Electric - Emma Krieger
U13 Gibson Homes & Cottages - Kaitlyn Green
U15 Stacie & Troy's No Frills - Eric Zoldy
U18 Doherty’s Masonry - Riley Maclean
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Rylan Ruggles
U11 Sifft Electric - Raidyn McQuabbie
U13 Gibson Homes & Cottages - Adam Norton
U15 Harry’s No Frills - Lucas Henry
U18 Parry Sound Auto Parts - Carson Healey
U18 Doherty’s Masonry - Weston Scarrow
Novice - Keelan McDonald
Atom - : Liam Dinicolo
Peewee - Carter George
Bantam - Carson Healey, Mackinley Mann & Ben Walker
Midget - Dakota Walker, Dakota Francis, & Carter Salt
Most Sportsmanlike - McNabb Atoms: Nevaeh Rand
Most Sportsmanlike - Marshall Black Atoms: Jolie Steeves
Most Sportsmanlike - Harry’s NoFrills PeeWee: Elliot Mahon
Most Sportsmanlike - Gibson’s Home & Cottage PeeWee: Drew Bloor
Most Sportsmanlike - Parry Sound Auto Parts Bantam: Ryder Pickles
Most Sportsmanlike - Sifft Electric Bantams: Kyle O’Gorman
Most Sportsmanlike - Muskoka Auto Parts Midgets: Drake Babcock
Most Sportsmanlike - Doherty’s Masonry Midgets: Cameron Herr
Most Sportsmanlike - Tamarack North Midgets: Edward Childerhose
Most Sportsmanlike - Marshall Black Carpentry Atoms - Campbell Collins & Carter George
Most Sportsmanlike - McNabbs Atoms - Eric Zoldy
Most Sportsmanlike - Harry’s No Frills Peewees - Mackinley Mann
Most Sportsmanlike - Gibson’s Home and Cottages Peewees - Josh Harris
Most Sportsmanlike - Parry Sound Auto Parts Bantam - Quinn McWhirter
Most Sportsmanlike - Home Hardware Bantams - Jack MacLean
Most Sportsmanlike - Doherty’s Masonry Midgets - Owain Stinson
Most Sportsmanlike - Tamarack North Midgets - Carter Corrbett
Most Sportsmanlike - Muskoka Auto Parts Midgets - Andrew Salt