Esso Most Dedicated Player
This award is presented a player who is recognized as the “go-to-person” or the player most relied on by the team for his skill, talent and ability to come through in a difficult situation. Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team.
U9 Cedarland Homes - Cole Graziotto
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Jack Power
U11 Ashley Homestore -Maliki Jackson
U13 Sifft Electric - Curtis McMillian
U13 Gibson Home & Cottages - Carter Witt
U15 Western Financial - Bella Holmes
U15 Stacie & Troy's No Frills - Jolie Steeves
U18 Parry Sound Auto Parts - Drew Bloor
U18 Dohertys Masonry - Josh Harris
U9 Optimist Shamrocks - Jackson Rettie
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Hudson Briggs
U11 Sifft Electric - Aric Quinn
U13 Gibson Homes & Cottages - Breckett McLean
U15 Stacie & Troy's No Frills - Tommy Cox
U18 Doherty’s Masonry - Drew Bloor
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Ivy Barker - McDivitt
U11 Sifft Electric - Rhett Thorogood
U13 Gibson Homes & Cottages - Liam Dinicolo
U15 Harry’s No Frills - Nathan Heimes
U18 Parry Sound Auto Parts - Cooper Mahon
U18 Doherty’s Masonry - Dakota Walker
Novice - Alexis St. Amant
Atom - Noah Thompson
Peewee - Keira Constable
Bantam - Ethan Penfold, Miranda Lynn Steeves & Drew Bloor
Midget - Ed Childerhose, Ryder Pickles & Nick Garagan
Most Dedicated - McNabb Atoms: A.J. Nicholas
Most Dedicated - Marshall Black Atoms: Kaedyn Rutherford
Most Dedicated - Harry’s NoFrills PeeWee: Hudson Pyykko
Most Dedicated - Gibson Homes & Cottage PeeWee: Hyatt Black
Most Dedicated - Parry Sound Auto Parts Bantams: Jack Maclean
Most Dedicated - Sifft Electric Bantams: Mackinley Mann
Most Dedicated - Muskoka Auto Parts Midgets: Alexis Nicholas
Most Dedicated - Doherty’s Masonry Midgets: Darrin Bloor
Most Dedicated - Tamarack North Midgets: Nicholas Garagan
Most Dedicated - Marshall Black Carpentry Atoms - Elliot Mahon
Most Dedicated - McNabbs Atoms - Hudson Pyykko
Most Dedicated - Harry’s No Frills Peewees - Cooper Mahon
Most Dedicated - Gibson’s Home and Cottages Peewees - Chad Herbert
Most Dedicated - Parry Sound Auto Parts Bantam - Rowan Stoneman
Most Dedicated - Home Hardware Bantams - Dakota Walker
Most Dedicated - Doherty’s Masonry Midgets - Nick Brown
Most Dedicated - Tamarack North Midgets - Anthony Jacklin
Most Dedicated - Muskoka Auto Parts Midgets - Nick Garagan