Esso Most Improved Player
This award is presented to an individual who works hard, shows marked improvement in puck handling, shooting, passing and skating, as measured from the beginning to the end of the season. Selected by each Head Coach and presented to one player on each team.
U9 Cedarland Homes - Jake Fenton
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Andrew King
U11 Ashley Homestore - Henry Nanibush
U13 Sifft Electric - Raidyn McQuabbie
U13 Gibson Home & Cottages - Arwen Jansman
U15 Western Financial - Gomez Pegahmagabow & Percy Shurr
U15 Stacie & Troy's No Frills - Addison Alpaugh
U18 Parry Sound Auto Parts - Rhyan Pegamagabow
U18 Dohertys Masonry - Noah Snow
U9 Optimist Shamrocks - Carter Klink
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Boden Boudreault
U11 Sifft Electric - Carter Marshall
U13 Gibson Homes & Cottages - Sequoia Gagnon
U15 Stacie & Troy's No Frills - Migizi Nanibush & Trenton King
U18 Doherty’s Masonry - Emery Tabobondung
U11 McNabb Building Centre - Quinn Earley
U11 Sifft Electric - Mason Marshall
U13 Gibson Homes & Cottages - Jolie Steeves
U15 Harry’s No Frills - Emery Tabobodung
U18 Parry Sound Auto Parts - Josh Harris
U18 Doherty’s Masonry - Aidan Cowan
2019 - 2020
Novice - Raelyn Baldackin
Atom - Benaisiihns King
Peewee - Lucas Henry
Bantam - Will Poole, Hudson Pyykko, Maggie Cox
Midget - Mac Sawatzky, Nick Brown, Joseph Cox
Most Improved - McNabb Atoms: Eli Martens
Most Improved - Marshall Black Atoms: Cameron Crawford
Most Improved - Harry’s NoFrills PeeWee: Joshua Harris
Most Improved - Gibson’s Home & Cottage PeeWee: Dalton Forfar
Most Improved - Parry Sound Auto Parts Bantams: Bryson Barkley
Most Improved - Sifft Electric Bantams: Cameron Fox
Most Improved - Muskoka Auto Parts Midgets: Lucas Nicholas
Most Improved - Doherty’s Masonry Midgets: Jerome Walker
Most Improved - Tamarack North Midget’s: Joseph Cox
Most Improved - Marshall Black Carpentry Atoms - Dalton Forfar
Most Improved - McNabbs Atoms - Baird Harley
Most Improved - Harry’s No Frills Peewees - Austin Allcock
Most Improved - Gibson’s Home and Cottages Peewees - Aidan Campbell
Most Improved - Parry Sound Auto Parts Bantam - Kyle O’Gorman
Most Improved - Home Hardware Bantams - Ethan Jacklin
Most Improved - Doherty’s Masonry Midgets - Quinton Jeffrey
Most Improved - Tamarack North Midgets - Joseph Cox
Most Improved - Muskoka Auto Parts Midgets - David Harris